1·Let's now assume you have just installed the ML upgrade and rebooted, and issues have been found with the operational running of AIX. Remember, you currently have the disks in the following state.
2·Each business rule statement indicates a discrete, operational practice or policy in running the business, without reference to any particular implementation strategy or specific technology.
3·First, the public money will be supplemented by funds from the other founding partners, who will also cover most of the operational costs once the centre is up and running.
4·This might not be a straightforward and simple activity, depending on the operational environments in which both products are running.
5·Operational metadata is what enables the administrators to manage the system, troubleshoot issues, and ensure that things are running smoothly.
6·If the module detects the application is performing at or below the acceptable threshold level, the application is running as planned, ensuring operational continuity.
7·Observed services are discovered using Composite application Manager for SOA's discovery library adapter from the running agents monitoring operational applications and services.
通过使用Composite Application Manager用于SOA的发现库适配器从监视操作应用程序和服务的运行代理发现所观察到的服务。
8·AdminControl for running operational commands.
9·Instead, the administrator should have better operational control and stop the logical job, where the infrastructure would stop the many jobs running in parallel.
10·A number of operational roles followed, which ultimately left Mr King running most of the business outside America.